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The Palmwood

The Palmwood, a three room Ryokan on the Island of Kauai. A social enterprise, investing and bridging agents of change for a better world.





Lodging & Hospitality

Type of Work

Logo Clean-up

Problem :

The idea was there but the client needed a fresh typeface and clean layout.




Process / Solution :

Taking the existing logo, I gave it a clean, modern tune-up that matches the Ryokan (Japanese countryside inn) experience you get when you stay for a night or two. Giving the elements space within the layout allows the logo to “breathe” just as one does when staying at this spectacular destination. 

In turn the final design leaves you with a sense of feeling peaceful and refreshed, product promoting a feeling that matches the mission of the Palmwood. 


Refresh Process

Progression: The logo was tight and confined by too many elements and shapes. Opening up the hexagon, removing unnecessary components, and taking some pieces outside brought about the final design.

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